Though we ultimately believe that our success comes from our tutors' ability to effectively use our software, it certainly doesn't hurt that our software alone is utterly game-changing, and that's what we're talking about here.

What makes our software different?



We've carefully designed learning sequences (not just pools of problems) that seamlessly integrate practice questions with learning content, encouraging a more natural learning process. Unlike what has come before, our software isn't just for "practice" or "assessment." It's designed to help teach.



Other software drills problem types and mechanics for solving them, creating fast students who don't know when or where to run. We've crafted learning sequences that drill and enforce conceptual understanding, resulting in development of flexible problem solving skills.



The software adapts to each student by intelligently tailoring the sequence of questions to scaffold skill development, preventing students from ever getting stuck.



In school, students move from one unit to the next after having rarely achieved mastery, slowly building a house of cards. Our software is designed to ensure that students only progress with material once mastery is achieved, ensuring retention and increasing efficiency.

Because of the thoroughness and enforced mastery built into the software, Duology achieves stellar score improvements, not just on average, but for nearly every student with the grit to stick with it.

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